Name: Vishal Dusane
Profile: full stack developer
Phone: +91 9823479981
.NET 85%I'm Full stack developer from Pune, India. I have experience developing and designing for the web, from simple websites to fully responsive websites. I strive to create software that not only functions efficiently under the hood, but also provides intuitive, pixel-perfect user experiences.
I love learning new and better ways to create seamless user experiences with clean, efficient, and scalable code. I'm always looking for opportunities to work with those who are willing to share their knowledge as much as I want to learn. At the end of the day, my primary goal is to create something beautiful with people that bring out the best in me.
When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably watching discovery or listening music
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A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it's not that good." I strive to develop and implement responsive and aesthetically pleasing interfaces for websites and apps that adapt to any type of device, platform, or browser.
I'm passionate about web design and development, and interested in mobile app development. As I grow as a developer, I hope to write clean, readable code that can be used by others and leveraged to create beautiful software.
There have been many times where I've been trying to accomplish a simple task on a site, & ended up wanting to throw my computer out the window in frustration. Needless to say, UX is an aspect of software I believe is vital to a successful product
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